Since the start of 2015, Reshet Ramah, along with our camp alumni associations and the Ramah College Network, have collectively facilitated many programs across North America.

Since the start of 2015, Reshet Ramah, along with our camp alumni associations and the Ramah College Network, have collectively facilitated many programs across North America.
On Wednesday, March 4, 120 Ramah alumni and friends joined together in New York City for the Purim Shpiel Stand-Up + Megillah Reading at the Broadway Comedy Club in New […]
Harry Chiel and Zoe Tabachnick met at Ramah Nyack in 2008 and were married in January 2015.
Mark and I initially encountered each other in the summer of 1987 when I was a second year counselor in Magshimim (15 year olds) at Camp Ramah in Canada.
This year we have three amazing Ramah alumni working full time in the Detroit area as part of the Ramah Service Corps. Meet Nadav Davidson, Sam Mellits, and Darrien Sherman!
As all of us in the Ramah community continue to pray for the safety and security of all citizens living in Israel, we want to share a list of Ramah […]
Our story has many parts. One place to start would be in 2006, when I studied in Israel for a semester in high school on a program called Tichon Ramah […]
We came from different camps (Jonathan from Poconos and Roni from Canada) and met on Ramah Seminar in 2012. Yonatan was a yoetz and Roni was a Rosh Kvutza.
The thread between my summers at camp, as I saw it, was not my college experience, per-se, but rather my experiences in Israel. I found that my time spent in […]
Do you need a good laugh? Check out the funniest comedy performance in New York, Running Late, a live, late night-style talk show, hosted by comedian Scott Rogowsky and produced […]