Todd and I met on a canoe trip to Silver Birches on Lake Skeleton the first week at camp.
Tag Archives Ramah Canada
Robert Edward Novak & Yael Bauer Novak
Robert Edward Novak and Yael Bauer Novak met at Camp Ramah in Canada in 1972 and were married in 1974.
Judah Silverman & Margo Lightstone Silverman
Judah Silverman and Margo Lightstone Silverman met at Camp Ramah in Canada in 1972 and were married in 1974.
Michael Landau & Faye Andrea Goldman
We first met unloading luggage from the buses at camp. I missed staff week that summer, and came up with the campers.

Martin Cohen & Joan Freeman Cohen
Joan was Rosh Drama, attempting to put on seven shows in seven weeks. I was a lonely guy trying to learn enough Greek in one summer to start 3rd year […]
Casey Natalie Weiss’s Reflection
I have been to day school (9 years!), I am active at shul, I am part of the first ever class at the American Hebrew Academy (Jewish boarding school) in […]
Miriam Weinstein’s Reflection
This year I got up and I went to the land. Actually to more than one land but I did not leave my deep Ramah roots at home in Toronto. […]