Oz Fishman: “Doing Big and Feeling Small” at TEDxFoggyBottom
Ramah California alum Oz Fishman explains how his view of happiness and humanitarianism has been impacted through his work with kids at camp and his fraternity’s philanthropy at the George Washington University. According to Oz’s TEDx bio, he “really loves rallying people to move on important causes with powerful narratives and images; most recently founding a student disaster relief organization, GW Responds, and raising $80,000 for cancer research through his fraternity’s philanthropy event. Right now, he spends his time between interning with Teach for America, taking lead on student-run concerts at GW…and building a social entrepreneurship network for high school students.”
Check out the video below from TEDxFoggyBottom to learn more about Oz’s amazing accomplishments: “Doing Big and Feeling Small: TEDxFoggyBottom”