The Tikvah Program at Camp Ramah in New England was the beginning of the complete intertwining of my professional path in special education with my involvement in the Jewish community.

The Tikvah Program at Camp Ramah in New England was the beginning of the complete intertwining of my professional path in special education with my involvement in the Jewish community.
When I was growing up, I thought that God lived at Camp Ramah. Ramah was my first experience praying every morning, and later three times a day, and in the […]
I’m still a little bit on cloud nine from Sunday night! I shrieked with excitement when I first heard about the possibility of an event centered on Broadway stars and […]
We all remember our last night as campers at Ramah. Whether you were in Nivonim, Gesher, Alonim, or Machon, something about that last night made it feel like your life […]
Camp Ramah in New England’s alumnus Rabbi Rob Dobrusin wrote about a memory of his time at Ramah on his blog. It was the custom at Ramah that each bunk would […]
In the course of my junior year at Hebrew University, I met dozens of Ramahniks from across the United States and Canada and was impressed with their common commitment to […]
A camper at Ramah Berkshires (1966–1971), a counselor at Berkshires and Poconos (1973–1976), and then a yo’etz and educator at New England (1993–2000), my memories of Ramah span three phases […]
I was sixteen when I first attended a Ramah camp. It was an eye-opening experience for me. It was the beginning of more than twenty summers in which I thrived […]
I grew up on Long Island in a relatively assimilated home. My parents went to the local Conservative synagogue three days a year. Our home was not kosher, yet my […]
I started my twenty-five years at Ramah in the summer of 1951 as a junior counselor at Ramah in the Poconos. My senior counselor was Yochanan Muffs, z”l. On the […]