Barry Gavarin & Mindy Roth Gavarin

Mindy: Ramah in Nyack was a unique place in those years. Naturally, we were there for staff days and Barry had been there for “pre-staff” days.

He had become friends with someone who was a friend of mine from home and when I got there, there was a natural chevra established. He told this friend that he was going to marry me.

Nyack was a very intense place because the kids left at 4:00 each day and that’s when the staff worked on programming and socially interacted. Of course there was Shabbat, the camp was never closed for a weekend and we never wanted to leave!! Between the beautiful programming and the wonderful environment created by Rabbi Al Thaler our relationship flourished very quickly. I left for my junior year at Hebrew U. and we both came back the next summer. By the next summer we were married and we continued to come to visit camp for many years to visit over Shabbat. Some of our closest friends to this day are from those years at Nyack.

Barry: I came into one of the bunks (‘Sunshine’) in Nyack on a glorious day at the beginning of the summer 1974 camp season and saw the most beautiful young woman in shorts and splattered work boots, splattering paint on the walls of what would be her campers’ bunk. It was (for me anyway) love at first sight. After relentless pursuit (twice going to visit Mindy during her junior year in Israel at The Hebrew University) we became engaged Shabbos B’raishit of 1975 and married in June of 1976. We continued a long association with both Camp Ramah in Nyack and our many friends and co-staffers from the camp up to this very day.

Camp Ramah was, is, and will always be among, if not at the top of the list, of our most memorable and cherished experiences.

To say that those halcyon days were life altering is in no way an exaggeration.

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