Larry Greenfield’s Reflection
Camp Ramah was my first true love.
At Ramah California, I enjoyed gaga, softball, campouts, Rocky Mountain toast, and wearing white for Shabbat. I even led services.
The legend of Larry Greenfield began when Michael Jacoby kept the lights on for a scene-ending kiss in an all-camp play.
I didn’t mind. I leveraged Ramah into a lifelong interest in Jewish ideas, knowledge of Hebrew prayers and song, and warm feelings for Israel.
The camp part never left me either, even through a busy life in law, politics, US Naval Intelligence, non-profit management, and business. The balance to my passionate individualism are kind memories of my bunks and fellow campers.
Larry Greenfield spent several wonderful summers at Camp Ramah in California during the 1970s. He has since had a busy career in law, politics, non-profit management, and business.