Brian Boxer Wachler & Selina Boxer Wachler
Brian and Selina met in the summer of 1985 at Camp Ramah in California. They were both counselors at the time but did not start dating until many years later. Brian recounts his relationship with Selina in a recent article published by The Huffington Post.
I met Selina Boxer from Vancouver, Canada when we were counselors at Camp Ramah in Ojai, California (she also taught the aerobics classes there.) We were 18 years old…Sadly for me during our camp time, Selina did not reciprocate my feelings. I did try to show my affection one embarrassing time when I was giving her a back massage in the counselor “hangout” building as we both were waiting for our laundry as it rolled around in the dryer. When I was younger with thick black glasses, I looked like a young Clark Kent — not exactly a look high on the attractive scale. I did figure out that girls loved back massages so that offer was always met with enthusiasm. Selina was no different.
You can read the full article here to find out how Selina and Brian finally got together!