I grew up on Long Island in a relatively assimilated home. My parents went to the local Conservative synagogue three days a year. Our home was not kosher, yet my […]
Tag Archives Ramah New England
Saul P Wachs’s Reflection
I started my twenty-five years at Ramah in the summer of 1951 as a junior counselor at Ramah in the Poconos. My senior counselor was Yochanan Muffs, z”l. On the […]
Susan North Gilboa’s Reflection
My life’s journey took me down a path of no return when I spent my first summer as a camper at Ramah in Palmer, Massachusetts, in 1968. From that point […]
Rabbi Annie Tucker’s Reflection
I can still remember the first time I saw him. The batter stood poised at home plate, his brown hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, and the fringes of […]

Rabbi David Wolpe’s Reflection
Camp is a series of snapshots: in the Poconos on the lake, in California on the mountains, at Palmer on the vast green. As a camper I enjoyed Ramah; as […]
Rela Mintz Geffen’s Reflection
Following camp we left for Israel for Michael’s fourth year of rabbinical school. It was just after the Six-Day War and an amazing time to be living in Jerusalem. We […]
Rabbi Stuart Kelman’s Reflection
Robert Alter, Robert Chazan, Ray Arzt, David Mogilner, z”l, Walter Ackerman, z”l, Gloria (Sussman) Silverman, z”l, Zalman Schachter Shalomi, Zvi Dershowitz, Saul Wachs, Shmuel Leiter, z”l, Gladys Gewirtz, Shalom Schwartz, […]
Jonathan D Sarna’s Reflection
Unless you teach him how to swim, I won’t take him back home again!” This was the warning supposedly issued by my late father, Professor Nahum M. Sarna, z”l, to […]
Isaac “Buji” Herzog’s Reflection
I was a waiter at Camp Ramah in New England in the 1970s. That summer I was privileged to tutor a girl in the Tikvah special needs program.
Vicky Kelman’s Reflection
What flashes in my mind when considering the impact of Camp Ramah on my life is that I became a Jewish educator because a significant teacher told me (and persuaded […]