We were really a mixed marriage because Elliot grew up in Milwaukee and the Wisconsin camp and Marlynn grew up in Philadelphia and the Poconos camp. We met in Mador […]
Tag Archives 1966 Marriages
Daniel Grossberg & Millie Feinberg Grossberg
Daniel Grossberg and Millie Feinberg Grossberg met in 1957 at Camp Ramah in Connecticut and were married in 1966.
David Zisenwine & Anne Brickman Zisenwine
David Zisenwine and Anne Brickman Zisenwine met at Camp Ramah in Nyack in 1963 and were married in 1966.

Aaron D. Michelson & Rona Mager Michelson
We met in the summer of 1961 and became friends. He went back to JTS in NY and I to high school in Philadelphia.
Miles P. Bunder & Alida Krovetz Bunder
Miles was asked to drive the Baum Meat Truck from NY with luggage. As he followed the bus of staff to camp, two girls made faces at him from the […]

Wallace Zuckerman & Deborah Cohen Zuckerman
We met at Camp Ramah in Connecticut the summer of 1962.