Moshe Tutnauer & Margie Weingarden Tutnauer
Margie Weingarden and Moshe Tutnauer met at Ramah Wisconsin in 1956. We were both meltzarim! After a year of long distance communication (Moshe was at JTS and Margie at Wayne State in Detroit) we were married at camp on August 25, 1957! Jerry Abrams, Ramah Director was our mesader kedushin. Efry Spectre and Sara Fisher Gillman organized the chuppah and the music. Our wedding was followed by the closing banquet/wedding dinner attended by 500 campers and 200 staff. The singing and dancing in the chadar ochel were not to be believed!
Our children and three of our grandchildren have been at various Ramah camps. We have been active with Ramah in Israel and Ramah in other countries since our aliya in 1972. We spent the summer of 1983 (in January!) at Ramah Argentina in Rio Ceballos with Marshall Meyer, z”l. We spent the summers of the 1990s teaching at the Ramah camps in Russia and Ukraine. Ramah has been a very important part of our lives for the past 50 years!
Additional note from Jerry Abrams, Ramah Berkshires Director Emeritus: Prof. Shraga Abramson, z”l, the Seminary’s professor in residence that year and noted Talmud scholar, was one of the edim.
Additional note from Morton M. Steinberg, National Ramah President: I was at the wedding. It was held on the waterfront, in the early evening, followed by the traditional last night banquet. Bill Lebeau (past dean of The Rabbinical School at JTS) was a head waiter and he held one corner of the chuppah. I took several photos of the ceremony with my brownie camera and gave the pictures to Morty (as Moshe was then known) when he was a scholar in residence at Beth El about 10 years ago. I remember it well!