Daniel Rabin & Rachel Kozak Rabin
Read Daniel and Rachel’s story in “JDate, Camp Ramah have a Shidduch for you“, which appeared in the The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle, written by Toby Tabachnick.
Though we met at the University of Maryland in 2008, Daniel spent a few summers at Ramah California as a camper, and Rachel grew up at Ramah New England. After a few summers apart, Daniel joined Rachel in the summer of 2010 at Palmer on tzevet Nivonim. We spent the next few summers there as rashei edah (though often not simultaneously!), Rachel as Rosh Magshimim, and Daniel as Rosh Bogrim.
Our love of both the Ramah experience and the tzevet we worked with grew each summer, and we were incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by many of our friends and mentors at our wedding in Norfolk, Virginia on May 25, 2014.