Barak Lanes & Vered Lanes
We had to come all the way from Israel to Camp Ramah in Wisconsin to meet each other…and when Barak planned to propose, he forgot the ring at camp!
In our first year, Vered was on camping staff living in a cabin with campers in the Tikvah program, while Barak was a Tikvah madrich (counselor). In 2011, we were both Atzmayim (Tikvah vocational) madrichim and Vered was also Rosh Mishlachat. This summer (2012) Barak is going to be Rosh Nagarut, after a long year of working as a horseback riding instructor on the Carmel Mountain in Kibbutz Beit Oren, and as a counselor for a special needs group in Haifa.
Vered is going to be Rosh Omanut this summer and Rosh Mishlachat for a second year.