Matthew Zerden & Lisa de Saxe Zerden
Matt and Lisa met the first day of the Seminar trip in the summer of 1996. Lisa attended Ramah California in Ojai, CA. Matt was from Savannah, GA but attended Ramah New England for many years.
The first night of their program they met and were together for the 6+ week trip. Returning home was sad; they were so young and so in love but figured it would be impossible to stay together considering their distance and ages but with the support and love of their parents, somehow worked it out.
The following summer they backpacked through Europe together, broke up for a bit in college and got back together when Matt graduated from school. From there the couple moved to Los Angeles and were engaged for a year before their wedding in June 2004 in Laguna Beach, CA.
Six of their closest camp friends who were on Seminar with them attended the wedding as well. The couple now lives in Boston, MA where Matt is a student at Harvard Medical School and Lisa is a doctoral student at Boston University in Social Work and Sociology.