Tisha B’Av: “Inside Our Heads, Sharing Stories of Jewish Identity”
On Saturday, July 25, Reshet Ramah hosted an Eicha reading and panel dialogue to commemorate Tisha B’Av. After Maariv led by Ramah Poconos alumna Ellie Krupnick (and lead lay person for the event) and meaningful Eicha reading led by Ramah California alumna Julianna Storch, friend of Ramah Ayal Robkin, and Ramah Nyack alumnus Matt Scheff, a panel dialogue on sharing Jewish journeys was facilitated by Rabbi Abby Treu, Director of Young Adult Engagement and Community Outreach. Our panelists, Ramah California alumnus Andrew Belinfante, Ramah Nyack staff member Srully Stein, and Leslie Hirsch shared their perspectives from the LGBTQ community, the transition between ultra Orthodoxy and other streams of Judaism, and conversion. After an hour of incredible dialogue, we were so humbled to open the door to powerful, and ongoing, conversation about Jewish Identity and Jewish community. Prior to the event, The Times of Israel covered the program in a wonderful article featuring some of our panelists. Click here to read the article and check out are some photos from the event, as well as powerful quotes from our panelists:
“My feeling is that we all have the moments and issues in life we are going to fight to the end for. If Jewish life, ritual, and practice can color those conversations and illuminate them in ways that feel holy, I am going to seize every opportunity to make sure Jewish narratives do not get left out of the conversation. Jewish community should be the driving force behind giving our life-moments Jewish language and making each of them more connected to others’ life-moments.” -Andrew Belinfante
“My Jewish journey started with my grandmother’s mysterious gentleman friend and two special books which ultimately led me to becoming a proud Jew by Choice.” -Leslie Hirsch
“My Jewish journey was always radical. From radical Ultra-Orthodoxy to radically rejecting everything Jewish, and from there to a radical rethinking of the amazing teachings Judaism can teach me as a liberal, progressive human being.” -Srully Stein