If you went to Ramah, it was probably at camp. For me, it was the beginning of an understanding that, despite the confusions of adolescence, everything really can come together […]

If you went to Ramah, it was probably at camp. For me, it was the beginning of an understanding that, despite the confusions of adolescence, everything really can come together […]
It was Friday night, June 29, 1956 — the first Shabbat of the first full summer of Camp Ramah in California. One hundred and fifty of us, probably dressed in […]
I grew up in a small Jewish community, and for the first time I was exposed to the religiosity of Ramah, which had a huge impact on my life. Our […]
In the course of my junior year at Hebrew University, I met dozens of Ramahniks from across the United States and Canada and was impressed with their common commitment to […]
I definitely would not have moved to Israel if it were not for Camp Ramah. Looking back on all these years, I think that camp, like Israel, was a kind […]
I was always interested in Jewish tradition from the time I was very young although I didn’t grow up in a halachically observant home. I was thrilled to go to […]
Looking back to my Ramah experiences, I can trace a clear connection to my years in Ramah and my eventual aliyah. I began a long (and still ongoing) career with […]
Camp Ramah made me the Orthodox rabbi I am today. I was a weak student at my local Orthodox day school in Chicago in the early 1960s and an even […]
My first contact with Camp Ramah was in a January 1954 phone call from Rabbi Herman Kieval, z”l, to my mother indicating that he had some scholarship money ($50) in […]
Ramah has had an important place in my life and the life of my family for fifty-seven years; almost as long as it has existed. My first summer at Ramah […]