Robert Alter, Robert Chazan, Ray Arzt, David Mogilner, z”l, Walter Ackerman, z”l, Gloria (Sussman) Silverman, z”l, Zalman Schachter Shalomi, Zvi Dershowitz, Saul Wachs, Shmuel Leiter, z”l, Gladys Gewirtz, Shalom Schwartz, […]
Archive | California Reflections
RSS feed for this sectionRabbi Elliot Dorff’s Reflection
I grew up in a typical “second-generation” Jewish home in Milwaukee. The vast majority of my contemporaries dropped out of Jewish education after their bar or bat mitzvah, and they […]
Vicky Kelman’s Reflection
What flashes in my mind when considering the impact of Camp Ramah on my life is that I became a Jewish educator because a significant teacher told me (and persuaded […]

Craig Taubman’s Reflection
It feels like another lifetime since my years at Camp Ramah. Summers spent banging and sometimes even dancing on tabletops to the music. As a songwriter and performer, I strive […]

Andrew I Spitzer’s Reflection
My first summer at Camp Ramah in California, kayitz 1973, occurred less than a year before my bar mitzvah and barely a year after my parents divorced. I was the […]
Rabbi Menachem Creditor’s Reflection
Just last week, my family returned from seven days at Camp Ramah in Ojai, CA, where I served as Camp Rabbi. What makes me most sad to have left was […]
Michael Dittelman & Michelle Cole Dittelman
Michael Dittelman and Michelle Cole Dittelman met in 1993. Mike attended Camp Ramah Berkshires and Michelle attended Camp Ramah in California. They were married in 2000.
Lavi Brown’s Reflection
This is the D’var Torah given by Lavi Brown of Dallas Texas, Machon camper at Ramah California, on Machon’s last shabbat as campers.